Adding Lighting to Your Deck for Winter Evenings
Winter evenings may be long and dark, but that doesn't mean you should stay indoors when you have a deck waiting to be enjoyed. Adding the right lighting to your...
The Ultimate Deck Shop |
Find out why CUTEK EXTREME is the best deck stain on the market...
In 2022, The Ultimate Deck Shop was engaged to help with the planning,
supply and install of the deck and pergola as part of the new Warming
Chalet at Pat Fiacco Plaza in downtown Regina.
The Warming Chalet provides a cozy retreat for skaters to warm up,
tie their skates, and enjoy this little downtown gem in the heart of our city.
The Warming Chalet was designed to be modular and portable to allow
it's removal for the summer months, and magically re-appear
each winter season.
Established in 1899, the Royal Regina Golf Club is Saskatchewan's first
and oldest golf club. As one of only six courses in Canada with the "Royal"
designation, it remains a hidden gem nestled in behind the RCMP
Depot and Hertiage Centre - another Regina gem.
In 2023, the Royal Regina contacted The Ultimate Deck Shop to assist
with design, supply, and installation of two large pergolas to provide
shelter and warmth to their clubhouse patio. Mission accomplished.
Composite decks are deck boards made out of a combination of synthetic plastic and wood fiber.
Composite decks are easy to maintain as they don't need paint or sanding. In addition to being splinter free they are also resistant to mold, rotting, scratching, staining, fading, and warping.
When initially buying material, wood is definitely the cheaper option. That being said with wood you will need to put time and money into regular maintenance.
Composite decks on the other hand, do tend to have higher upfront costs and save you time and money over the years.
Hollow composite boards, also known as engineered boards are designed with ribbed internal structures meant to improve strength while still keeping them lightweight.
Solid composite boards are solid all the way through, they are heavier than hollow boards and also don't need plugs at the end.
Grooved boards have a notch or channel along the sides enabling them to be installed with fasteners. This leaves the finished deck with a more polished look
Un-grooved boards don't have any notches and are installed with screws.
Capped composite boards have an extra protective layer added to them during the manufacturing process.
While Uncapped or traditional composite boards are durable and have long lifespans, the extra layer of protection capped composite boards give them an advantage in durability and lifespan.
Remove visible dirt and debris with a broom, or soap and water. Dirt with organic waste should be removed & cleaned immediately. Organic matter is a food source for mold and mildew and can create hard-to-clean stains over time.
If you are using a pressure washer, ensure you use a fan tip attachment/adjustment and a PSI no higher than 1,500 as higher than this can cause damage to the decks surface.
Also avoid using chlorine bleach products as these can also cause surface damage and accelerated wear. Instead there are cleaning products on the market designed for PVC, composite and wooden deck boards such as TUDS SUDS Deck Cleaner.
Generally speaking yes you can. Whether you should or not is a different question because paint would chip and fade faster than composite deck boards ingrained color would, and they don't typically need to be stained either.
While timber has a layer of paint on it's surface composite decking boards have their color added during the manufacturing process. This enables the colour to go all the way through and retain it for longer.
Paint forms a layer on the surface of the deck which begins to chip and peel away over time, stains on the other had are designed to penetrate the woods surface creating a layer that does fade over time and foot traffic, but does not chip and peel like wood.
If your looking for options check out our Wood Cleaners and Protectors.