Easy Ways to Maintain Your Deck All Year Round

Shane Chapman / Backyard Building Expert

Shane Chapman

Backyard Building Expert
See Short Bio

Keeping our deck in great shape throughout the year doesn't have to be a daunting task. Regular maintenance ensures that our outdoor space remains safe, beautiful, and enjoyable for all seasons. By following a few easy steps, we can extend the life of our deck and keep it looking its best.

Cleaning, protecting, inspecting, and taking preventative measures are all crucial aspects of deck maintenance. Different weather conditions and seasonal changes can affect our deck, but with the right care, we can prevent damage and wear. It's important to integrate these tasks into our regular routine so that our deck continues to be a welcoming space for family and friends.

In this guide, we'll explore simple and effective ways to maintain our decks all year round. From regular cleaning habits to tips on protecting the deck from harsh weather, this article aims to provide the knowledge needed to keep our deck sturdy and inviting. With a little effort and time, our deck will remain a favourite spot for outdoor activities and relaxation.

Cleaning Your Deck Regularly

Removing Debris and Leaves

One of the easiest ways to maintain our deck is by regularly removing debris and leaves. Accumulated debris can trap moisture, which can lead to wood rot or mildew. Using a broom or leaf blower, we should clear away leaves, dirt, and other debris from the deck surface. Doing this weekly will prevent buildup and keep our deck looking clean.

In addition to clearing the surface, don’t forget the gaps between the deck boards. A small trowel or putty knife can help us remove trapped debris. This step ensures proper airflow and drainage, helping to maintain the integrity of the decking material.

Washing the Deck Surface

Washing our deck is essential for removing dirt, stains, and mildew. For general cleaning, a mixture of water and mild soap often does the trick. Use a soft-bristle brush or a sponge to scrub the deck surface gently. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with a garden hose to remove any soap residue.

For tougher stains or mildew, we might need a specialized deck cleaner. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, and always test a small area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the wood or composite material. Regular washing, especially in spring and fall, will keep our deck looking fresh and prevent long-term damage.

Using the Right Cleaning Solutions

Choosing the right cleaning solutions is crucial to avoid harming our deck. For wood decks, avoid harsh chemicals like bleach, as they can strip the wood of its natural oils and cause discolouration. Instead, opt for cleaners specifically designed for wood.

For composite decks, use a gentle cleaner that's safe for composite materials. Always check the product label, and avoid using anything too abrasive. Using the right cleaning solutions not only protects the deck but also extends its lifespan by preventing unnecessary wear and tear.

Protecting Your Deck from Weather

Applying Sealants and Stains

One of the most effective ways to protect our deck from the weather is by applying sealants or stains. Sealants help create a waterproof barrier, preventing moisture from seeping into the wood. Stains not only enhance the natural beauty of the wood but also offer protective qualities.

We should seal our deck at least once a year, ideally in the summer when the weather is dry. Start by cleaning the deck thoroughly and allowing it to dry completely. Apply the sealant or stain using a brush or roller, ensuring even coverage. This treatment helps our deck withstand harsh weather conditions and reduces the risk of cracking or splitting.

Using Furniture Covers and Rugs

Using furniture covers and outdoor rugs can significantly extend the life of our deck. Covers protect the deck surface from scratches and the effects of harsh weather. They also prevent furniture legs from gouging the deck.

Outdoor rugs are a great way to add style to our deck while offering protection. Make sure to choose rugs made of materials that resist mildew and mould. Regularly moving the rugs and the furniture helps prevent uneven fading and wear. These simple steps keep our deck looking new and shield it from daily wear and tear.

Weatherproofing in Different Seasons

Weatherproofing our deck requires different steps depending on the season. In the winter, remove snow promptly to prevent moisture damage. A plastic shovel is preferable to avoid scratching the deck surface.

In the summer, ensure the deck is protected against UV rays by applying a UV-blocking sealant. Fall is a great time to do a thorough cleaning and apply another coat of sealant if needed. Springtime calls for checking for winter damage and making necessary repairs. Adapting our maintenance routine to the season helps our deck endure various weather conditions, maintaining its strength and appearance throughout the year.

Inspecting and Repairing Damage

Checking for Rot and Mildew

It’s important to regularly inspect our deck for signs of rot and mildew. Wood decks are particularly vulnerable to these issues, which can weaken the structure over time. Look for soft spots, discolouration, or areas where the wood easily falls apart. These are indicators of rot.

Use a screwdriver or awl to test suspect areas. If the tool sinks into the wood with little resistance, it’s a sign of rot. Check for black or greyish patches for mildew, especially in shaded or damp areas. Addressing these problems promptly prevents further damage and keeps our deck safe.

Fixing Loose Boards and Nails

Loose boards and nails can be hazards, so it’s essential to fix them as soon as we notice any issues. Walk around the deck and listen for creaks or feel for any wobbly boards. Tighten loose screws or replace them with longer ones to ensure a secure fit.

For loose nails, you can either hammer them back in or replace them with screws for better stability. If a board is warped or cracked beyond repair, it’s best to replace it. Regularly checking and fixing these small problems helps maintain the deck’s overall integrity and safety.

Treating Minor Cracks and Splits

Minor cracks and splits in the deck’s surface can be filled with a high-quality wood filler or sealant. Start by cleaning the affected area to remove any dirt or debris. Apply the filler according to the manufacturer’s instructions and let it dry completely.

After the filler has dried, sand the area smooth to blend it with the surrounding wood. For larger splits, consider replacing the damaged board. Treating these minor issues early prevents them from becoming larger problems and extends the lifespan of our deck.

Preventative Measures for Long-Term Care

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Establishing a regular maintenance schedule is key to long-term deck care. Create a checklist of tasks to perform each season, such as cleaning, inspecting, and applying sealants. Setting reminders helps us stay on top of these chores and ensures that no step is overlooked.

Consistent maintenance prevents small issues from becoming bigger problems. By keeping up with these tasks, we can enjoy a well-kept deck year-round without the need for extensive repairs.

Choosing Durable Materials

Selecting durable materials when building or renovating our deck makes maintenance easier. Pressure-treated wood, composite decking, and other weather-resistant materials stand up better to the elements. Invest in high-quality materials to reduce the need for frequent repairs and replacements.

If we’re already dealing with an older deck, consider upgrading parts of it over time. Replacing worn-out boards with more durable options increases the deck’s longevity and reduces maintenance efforts.

Tips for Avoiding Common Problems

Avoid common problems by taking a few extra precautions. For example, place mats under planters to prevent water damage. Trim back nearby plants to allow air circulation and reduce moisture buildup. Regularly clean gutters and downspouts to keep water away from the deck.

By keeping an eye on potential trouble spots and addressing them early, we can save time and effort in the long run. Simple habits and awareness go a long way in maintaining a beautiful and functional deck.


Maintaining a deck all year round is a simple but rewarding task. By following these steps, we can ensure our deck remains in excellent condition throughout every season. From regular cleaning to inspecting for damage and taking preventative measures, each action contributes to the longevity and beauty of our deck.

Incorporating these maintenance tasks into our routine allows us to enjoy a safe and inviting outdoor space. Keeping up with these small chores prevents larger issues down the road, saving us time and money in repairs.

If you need additional tips or quality materials for your deck maintenance, reach out to The Ultimate Deck Shop. We provide expert advice and top-notch deck maintenance products to help you keep your deck in the best shape possible. Give us a call or visit our store today to get started.

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About the Editor...

Shane Chapman // Backyard Building Expert

Shane Chapman, President and Co-Founder of The Ultimate Deck Shop, is a seasoned expert in the deck building industry. A former award winning deck builder (Fresh Decks), he now leads Canada’s top destination for backyard building materials.

Shane is committed to simplifying the shopping experience, providing exceptional customer service, and empowering both DIYers and professionals with his expert advice.

Get in touch with Shane to connect, collaborate or ask questions at LinkedIn.